Conference Chairs
Orrin M. Troum, MD, MACR
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Chief of Rheumatology and Director of Rheumatology Clinical Research
Providence St. John's Health Center
Santa Monica, CA
Alvin F. Wells, MD, PhD, FACR, FACP
Midwest Region Director, Department of
Rheumatology Advocate Medical Group
Adjunct Assistant Professor,
Duke University Medical Center
Assistant Clinical Professor,
Medical College of Wisconsin
Franklin, WI
Course Directors
Parastoo Fazeli, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Rheumatology Fellowship Program
Director, Lupus Clinic
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Michael Putman, MD, MSCI
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Associate Fellowship Program Director
Medical Director of the Vasculitis Program
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Amanda Sell, PA-C
Aurora Rheumatology
Franklin, WI
Georg A. Schett, MD
Professor of Internal Medicine
Head of Department
Department of Medicine 3 - Rheumatology and Immunology
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Alexa Simon Meara, MD
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology
Wexner Medical Center,
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Irfan Agha, MD, MRCP
Dallas Renal Group
Dallas, TX
Eric Campbell, PA-C
Oklahoma Arthritis Center
Edmond, OK
Brian LaMoreaux, MD, MS
Amgen Inc.
Thousand Oaks, CA
Amanda Mixon, PA-C
Fort Collins, CO
Jeff R. Peterson, MD
Western Washington Medical Group
Everett, WA
Anna Shmagel, MD, MSc
Chicago, IL
Naomi Amudala, MSN, FNP-BC
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Anisha B. Dua, MD, MPH
Northwestern Medicine
Chicago, IL
Arthur M. Mandelin II, MD, PhD, RMSK, RhMSUS
Northwestern Medicine
Chicago, IL
Brittany Panico, DO
Summit Rheumatology
Gilbert, AZ
Pankti Reid, MD, MPH
The University of Chicago Medicine
Chicago, IL
Christina Starks, PA-C
Northwestern Medicine
Chicago, Illinois
John Botson, MD, RPh, CCD
Orthopedic Physicians Alaska
Anchorage, AK
Yael Klionsky, MD
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC
Philip Mease, MD, MACR
Providence Swedish Medical Center
Seattle, WA
David Pearson, MD
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Rennie L. Rhee, MD, MSCE
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA